How do we give people with asthma their breath back?


About the research

Worldwide, some 235 million people suffer from asthma. Drugs such as a quick-relief inhaler can help to suppress their symptoms. But they can't cure asthma. Fien Gysens (University of Ghent) hopes that her research will contribute to finding a cure for asthma!

Fien Gysens

The loss of her grandfather to lung cancer and the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis in one of her friends tickled Fien’s curiosity for genetics. Studying biomedical sciences (major in medical genetics) led to a PhD in genetics, where she tries to understand the mysteries behind long-non coding RNAs (lncRNAs). More specifically, Fien and her colleagues are trying to set up a high-throughput screening platform to study the effects of lncRNAs in multiple diseases (for example: asthma, COPD, neuroblastoma…). 

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