Finding the tools cancer uses to spread through the body

About the research

About the research

Many types of cancer are still being diagnosed too late. The disease has then often already spread, making it difficult to treat the patients. Can we improve early diagnostics in cancer? The answer is hidden in the proteins of the cell, as Guillermo Solis Fernandez (KU Leuven) explains. 

Guillermo Solis Fernandez
KU Leuven

Science was very present in his house, even when Guillermo Solis Fernandez was still a kid. He learnt from his parents their love and passion for science, and from his mother specially the urge for sharing the scientific knowledge with a wider audience. After doing a bachelor in biochemistry in Madrid Guillermo moved to Leuven to continue his studies with a Master in biochemistry, and current he's doing a joint PhD between the KU Leuven and a research institute in Madrid.

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