How do we deal smartly with peaks in our electricity consumption?


About the research

We used to mainly use electricity in the morning and evening. Now that more and more families have solar panels and electric cars, we see a deep peak in consumption at noon when the sun shines and in the evening when the electric cars are charged. Our energy grid is not adapted to this. So should we reconstruct the grid with thicker cables? That would require too big an investment. Ellen Beckstedde (Vlerick Business School - KU Leuven) is contributing to another solution...

Ellen Beckstedde
KU Leuven - Vlerick

De combinatie van techniek, economie en regelgeving fascineert Ellen Beckstedde over de energiesector. In haar doctoraat aan de Vlerick Business School en KU Leuven wil ze distributienetbeheerders ondersteunen om hun netwerken slimmer te gebruiken. De focus van haar onderzoek is tweeledig. Ten eerste wil Ellen nieuwe inzichten ontwikkelen over dit onderwerp met behulp van computermodellen. Ten tweede wil ze impact creëren door te luisteren en workshops te geven aan verschillende commerciële en regelgevende stakeholders van de energiesector.