Urbanisation and food systems in the Global South

About the research

As cities grow, getting enough food to everyone becomes a bigger challenge, especially in fast-developing places. Poor infrastructure, traffic jams, and few local markets make it hard for residents to access food. By studying how people in Kampala, Uganda get their food, Lisa-Marie Hemerijckx (KU Leuven) wants to help city planners improve food access. By understanding how food is bought, shared, or grown, urban planners can assure that available food actually reaches the people who need it, and no one is left with an empty plate! 🍛

Lisa-Marie Hemerijckx
KU Leuven

Interested to understand our complex world, Lisa-Marie Hemerijckx studied Geography. She specialized in urban environments and completed her PhD on the urban food system of Kampala, Uganda. Her current research explores food access in rapidly growing cities across low- and middle-income countries. In addition to her research, she works with diverse groups including consumers, policymakers, planners, and urban farmers to promote a more sustainable and equitable food system for the future. 

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