
Van De Vijver
KU Leuven

Drones map potato diseases

In Belgium, we grow a lot of potatoes. Unfortunately, potato plants are very susceptible to diseases. To prevent the spread of diseases, farmers spray their entire potato field with pesticides. Ruben Van De Vijver (ILVO) wants to use drones and artificial intelligence to spray only sick plants. Find out more in the video.

Playing, learning and going out with your family. Even if you are 'different'!

For children with autism or attention or motor disorders, it is quite a challenge to participate in activities such as playing tag, taking a test, or staying over at a friend's house. Marieke Coussens and her colleagues mapped the barriers that such young children experience. This knowledge is important to be able to break down those barriers and really allow these children to participate.
Van Hoey

Gender violence through the lens of the Latin American Chronicle

"Muy exclusivo: las fotos del horror" is written on the cover of this Argentine newspaper. That headline refers to the photos of the dead body of a young woman that the journalists shamelessly published. "Fortunately, there are also writers in Latin America who describe gender violence in a more ethical way, in so-called chronicles", says Eva Van Hoey (UGent). She investigates how gender violence is represented in the literary genre of the chronicle.

Epilepsy in dogs: is the solution in the gut?

In Belgium, around 10,000 dogs suffer from epilepsy 🐕 This makes it the most common neurological disorder. Unfortunately, the seizures are often difficult to explain and thus to treat. Fien Verdoodt (UGent) explains why the cause might lie in intestinal bacteria...
De Kock

Equitable drug treatment for migrants and ethnic minorities

Refugees, migrants and ethnic minorities face complex problems, such as trauma, a loss of social network as well as discrimination. As a result, this can lead to mental and drugs problems. But do these people receive equitable drug treatment when they need it, here in Flanders? That's what Charlotte De Kock (Ghent University) devotes her research to.

Behind the scenes of democracy

Did you know that in the Belgium Government there are 7 times more political workers than elected politicians? That is quite a lot more than in the Netherlands, where an elected official has about 3 political staff members. Why is that and is this beneficial for democracy? Pieter Moens (UGent) shines his light in this video.

How to find a job that suits you?

Sending out lots of CVs is no guarantee of finding a good job. Yet much research still focuses on the quantity of job-seeking behaviour, the time and effort that job-seekers spend on their search. Jolien Stremersch (UGent) wants jobseekers to search smarter for a job, instead of harder.

How a camera perspective can make us eat more unhealthy

Suppose you have to choose between these dishes: will you go for the pizza, pasta carbonara, or rather the salad or the piece of fish? Well, did you know that the camera perspective in these photos has an effect on your (un)healthy food choices? Eva Meersseman (Ghent University) explains how this works.

Hack a yeast ... for the production of clean soap

Washing hands, we do it more than ever due to COVID. But did you know there's a dirty side to soap? Heavy metals and chemicals are used in its production. UGent researcher Goedele Luyten wants to make more environmentally friendly soap and for this, she relies on ... yeast. Watch the video 🎥

How to teach online interactively?

The corona pandemic suddenly forced teachers to make a shift from offline to online teaching. Keeping students engaged is already challenging in the classroom, let alone in an online context. How can a teacher do well online? Maaike Grammens and her colleagues investigated this by screening over 3,000 scientific articles on online teaching.

Microbes converting greenhouse gases into biofuels

Saving good microbes from starvation. That is the aim of the research carried out by Marina Perdigao Elisiario (VITO - TU Delft). This is necessary because the microbes she works with can help us in the fight against climate change. They are very good at converting greenhouse gases such as CO2 and carbon monoxide into biofuels. Unfortunately, with the current techniques, they die of starvation too often and too quickly. Marina is working on a new technique to overcome this.
KU Leuven

How to make renewable energy flow through Europe?

The production of renewable energy has increased significantly in recent years. But the sun doesn't always shine as brightly, nor does the wind always blow. Fortunately, we can exchange electricity between different countries. This way, Germany can benefit from the Spanish sun and Spain from the German wind. But international trade unfortunately isn't that straightforward... Michiel Kenis (VITO - KU Leuven - EnergyVille) explains why and what he is trying to do about it in this video.