How can dogs help us fight cancer?


About the research

Dogs and humans have a lot in common, at least when it comes to cancer. That means that successful new treatments tested in dogs could be applied to humans. That's why Nayra Valle (UGent - VUB) uses dogs with spontaneous cancer to develop and test a new technique for image-guided surgery. This could help surgeons better remove cancer tumors when operating on patients.

Nayra Valle
UGent - VUB

"Almost every child dreams of becoming a veterinarian. Although the reality is much more challenging, seeing the gratitude in each furry patient’s eyes makes it all worth it", says Nayra Valle. The oncology field is mostly bittersweet, but Nayra always gravitated towards the possibility of helping dogs with cancer. During her Ph.D. at Ghent University and Vrije Universiteit Brussel, she is looking for a technique that could improve the outcome of patients undergoing tumor removal surgery. She also aims to propagate the idea that dogs can contribute to the progress of human medicine through translational research. "That’s what I call a man’s best friend!"