How tiny diamonds can help us study brain injury

About the research

About the research

Meet Sarra Zaghbouni (Uhasselt). She unleashes nano-sized diamonds to decode the brain's secrets! 💎🧠 Teaming up with physicists, she's creating these tiny carbon heroes that sense and control temperature, allowing her to study how this affects the growth of neurons 🌡️ This research could help accelerate healing after brain injuries! 

Sarra Zaghbouni

Sarra is fascinated by the universe and how it works, and especially by the organ that allows us to perceive such beauty. She thinks the Human brain is a universe within a bigger universe, and understanding how it works will allow us to understand how our universe works. That is her passion, and for her Ph.D. project, she is trying to use new technologies to study neuronal growth during brain development and neuronal regeneration after injury. She is also a science communicator. You can find her on social media @Not Your Typical Scientist, as she loves sharing the knowledge she gains, not only from her work as a neuroscientist but also as a curious person with a great interest in astrophysics. Two different fields with more similarities than you might think.

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