Smart cancer treatment of glioblastoma via networks

About the research

About the research

Today, we can treat cancer better than ever. Yet some cancer types remain very difficult to fight. Such is the case of glioblastoma, a highly aggressive brain cancer in which only 7 in 100 patients are still alive five years after diagnosis. Hoping to help glioblastoma get small, Joke Deschildre (UGent - FWO) doctored a sophisticated strategy to attack cancer cells.

Joke Deschildre
FWO - UGent

From a young age, Joke Deschildre was fascinated by mathematical riddles and logic puzzles. Later, the complexity of the human genome also sparked her interest. She explored the best of both worlds during her master's in bioinformatics. Now, as a Ph.D. fellow at Ghent University, she applies data analysis and bioinformatics tools to glioblastoma tumor data. With this research, she aims to contribute to putting together the puzzle of improved treatments for glioblastoma patients.

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