Stem cells in the battle against brain tumors

About the research

About the research

Once diagnosed with glioblastoma, a highly aggressive form of brain cancer, a patient has on average only 15 months to live. "This terrible statistic shows that we urgently need new treatment options," says Myrthe Mampay (VUB - FWO). In her research, she will look for one such new treatment based on immunotherapy, using patient stem cells to make macrophages that attack the tumour. The hope is to turn glioblastoma into a less aggressive tumour in this way, allowing patients to look beyond 15 months in the future.

Myrthe Mampay

Myrthe Mampay is a postdoctoral researcher in the Brain Immunology Group (Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Immunology - LMCT) at the VUB. She has a fascination with the human brain, in particular how our brains respond and adapt to the presence of a tumour and undergoing cancer treatment. Besides being a researcher, Myrthe is a cat rescuer, wine lover, and travel fanatic.

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