Train your immune system and live to be 100 years old

About the research

About the research

Did you know that exercising is not only good for your health, but also has a positive impact on your immune system? Only scientists don't know exactly why. Lena Fonteyn (Hasselt University) dives deeper into the mystery of myokines - substances your muscle cells produce during exercise. "If we can unravel this secret, we can help you train your immune system and maybe reach 100 in a healthy way!" 

Lena Fonteyn

As a physiotherapist, Lena is fascinated by sport and exercise, and how this can be used as medicine. This fascination combined with an eagerness to learn led her to start a PhD at UHasselt. She is currently immersed in Immunology, where she studies the interaction between sports and the ageing immune system.

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