Why don't antidepressants work for everyone?


About the research

As many as one in five Belgians struggle with depression at some point in their lives. Doctors then often opt for therapy and medication, including antidepressants. Yet 1/3rd of patients do not respond to those antidepressants. For them, anti-inflammatories may offer relief. How that works, Céline Wessa (UAntwerpen) tells you in this video. One thing is clear: one depression is not the other. Also from a biological point of view.

Céline Wessa

As an adventure-seeking runner, avid hiker, and intrepid traveler, Céline embraces every adrenaline-fueled moment that life offers. She is also a proud mother of three adorable dogs. Céline's compassionate nature led her to become a medical doctor and psychiatrist-in-training, with a deep passion for understanding immune-mediated depressions. She firmly believes that psychiatry well deserve more research to deliver the best, evidence-based care for her patients, restoring them to the fulfilling lives they truly deserve.

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