Empowering individuals by making personal data breaches transparent

About the research

About the research

A personal data breach is not to be taken lightly: it can lead to depression, divorce, and even death. Seems far-fetched? Not really, as the data breach of a Canadian adultery website showed in 2015. Lina Jasmontaite (VUB) researches how companies (should) handle data breaches in Europe, since the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). "We are in the fourth year of its enforcement and still, there is no overview of companies' communication practices to individuals."  

Lina Jasmontaite

Lina Jasmontaite is a doctoral candidate at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Her Ph.D. research primarily concerns the personal data breach notification obligations set out in the General Data Protection Regulation. She publishes on topics concerning the protection of human rights, regulation of new technologies (e.g., digital identity wallets and artificial intelligence), and cybersecurity.

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