Gender violence through the lens of the Latin American Chronicle

About the research

About the research

"Muy exclusivo: las fotos del horror" is written on the cover of this Argentine newspaper. This headline refers to the photographs of the dead body of a young woman that the journalists shamelessly published. "Fortunately, there are also writers in Latin America who describe gender violence in a more ethical way", says Eva Van Hoey (UGent). In her PhD she investigates how gender violence is represented in the literary genre of the chronicle.

Eva Van Hoey
FWO - UGent

Eva Van Hoey is fascinated by literature and how it deals with social problems. During her Erasmus stay in Seville, her Peruvian roommate opened her eyes to the prevailing issue of gender violence in Latin America. Ever since she has been researching how Latin American literature discusses violence against women in the continent. In her research project (UGent), she studies how gender violence is represented in the literary genre of the chronicle.

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