How do you deal with problem behaviour at school?

About the research

About the research

Students constantly talking in class, making crazy noises or just walking around... Recognise this? As a teacher, it is often difficult to deal with problem behaviour in pupils. Even in the teacher's room, there is often discussion about how to deal with this. To support teachers in this, Julie D'haeyer (Artevelde University of Applied Sciences) and her colleagues developed 'Leerkracht Veerkracht' (Teacher Resilience). A programme that allows you, together with your school team, to look for a solution that works for your school.

Julie D'Haeyer

Julie D'Haeyer works at Artevelde University of Applied Sciences within the Educational Bachelor of Primary Education programme. She is a teacher in pedagogy and didactics, practice supervisor of regular and international students, assignment holder research, and researcher. By training, she is a primary school teacher and holds a master's degree in education science from Ghent University. Both within the programme and in her role as researcher, the quest to make teachers/teams resilient and education accessible to every student is central.

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