
KU Leuven

Evolution after gene loss: how the tortoise wins over the hare

"Evolution is like a race: the individual who can reproduce the fastest wins the race. But we all know of one race that was not won by the fastest..." Jana Helsen (KU Leuven - VIB) explains how evolution is sometimes a bit like the fable about the tortoise and the hare.

Wound healing by liquorice?

Lots of people dislike these black sweets. But did you know that liquorice candy might well contain an ingredient to help cure wounds? Esther Hoste investigates whether an active compound found in the root of the liquorice plant can heal diabetic wounds 👉 🎥

Grieving at work: why is it so deadly quiet?

"We must learn to talk about death, also in the workplace". Xenia Geysemans investigates how employers can better support grieving employees. Currently, employers are often too absent. In this video, Xenia offers 4 concrete tips.
Van Damme

How Spotify becomes a newsreader 📱 👨‍💼 📰

How do we bring relevant news to young people, who are often not in the habit of reading a newspaper or scrolling through a news app? Kristin Van Damme researches this for and with young people. What to think of a news alarm clock or could Spotify make a career as a newsreader?

Reforesting 80.000 trees a day: a mission impossible?

Did you know that it's possible to grow 1 million new trees in one year starting from (fragments of) one single plant? By using the promising technique of in vitro propagation, Maroua Grira (Ghent University) wants to save tree species such as Mahogany & Dalbergia from extinction. 
Van Raemdonck

Less stress in education, how to get there?

No less than half of beginning secondary school teachers quit within five years. Lisa Van Raemdonck (University of Ghent) wants to do something about this. In order to achieve more well-being and less stress in education, she focuses on 'SEMS'. Find out what this acronym stands for and how she wants to achieve this in this pitch.
Van Peteghem

What if we fed bacteria to our fish and pigs? 🦠 🍽 🐟 🐖

Imagine that you could use the CO2 emissions of factories to feed animals! Two birds with one stone. Well, this is possible! in this video, Lotte Van Peteghem (Ghent University) explains how she would like to use the CO2 emissions of steel factory Arcelor Mittal to eventually feed about 150,000 pigs
Van Borm

Recruitment discrimination: from measuring to explaining

Research has found that being older significantly lowers your employment chances when looking for a job. Why this is the case is studied to a lesser extent. With her research, Hannah Van Borm fills this black box and identifies different reasons for why older job applicants face age discrimination in the hiring process.
De Mol

Was Cleopatra poor at spelling? ✍ ❌

Aproved"* reads a Royal Decree that was possibly signed by Cleopatra (or at least by one of her ministers). But how did such a spelling error get into such an important document? Couldn't Cleopatra and her ministers spell? That's what classicist Geert De Mol (Ghent University) is looking into in his PhD.

GIF marketing, the new digital trend

We have all seen or sent GIFs, with or without a cat in the leading role. GIFs are also popping up more and more in advertising. Lana Mulier (Ghent University) investigates whether such GIF marketing is effective. Does it prompt us to make impulse buys online?

The power of singing together

Football supporters, the scouts, students, churchgoers, ... They all like to sing together because singing together unites. People were already aware of this in the 18th century. In her research, Renée Vulto (Ghent University) looks at how singing together was used as a political instrument at that time, in order to strengthen national identity and create a sense of belonging.

How to have success on Tinder

Do you want to know how to be successful on Tinder? Then take a look at this pitch by economist Brecht Neyt (University of Ghent). In his Ph.D., he unraveled whether your level of education plays a role in getting matches on the online dating app Tinder.📱💘