
KU Leuven

How to prevent investors from dropping out?

As an entrepreneur it is quite a task to find investors. Through so-called pitching events they can present their company to a group of investors in the hope of convincing them to financially support their project. Zoë Imhof investigates how entrepreneurs are most likely to effectively attract investors and keep them on board.
KU Leuven

Informal leadership

Not every leader is a manager, and not every manager is a leader. This is a very simple truth that anyone will agree with. If not synonymous to "manager", then what exactly makes someone a "leader"? And what happens when we have no manager at all, and all we are left with is informal leadership?

Are all those pills really needed as the end approaches?

Up to 91 pills a week. That's how many medicines people take at the end of their lives. Kristel Paque is investigating whether all these pills are really necessary.
Lakshmi Sharma
KU Leuven

Killing viruses by looking away from it

While medicine has come a long way to help HIV-patients, current drugs can't rid these patients of their HIV-infection. The drugs do not cure the infection, but suppress the virus to such an extent that no symptoms of the disease occur. Subha Lakshmi Sharma wants to contribute to finding a complete cure for the virus. Something she hopes to achieve by not looking at the virus itself, but by looking away from it.
Ovia Margaret
KU Leuven

HER2 breast cancer: comprehend to conquer it!

Did you know that breast cancer is the second most common cancer for women, affecting 1.7 million women worldwide? In her research Ovia Margaret Thirukkumaran is trying to decipher how cancer cells communicate and develop resistance against drugs in so called HER 2 breast cancer, a very aggressive form of breast cancer.

I-ACT: a useful tool for rehabilitation

Rehabilitation centers are not equipped with enough staff to provide individual training to patients during their recovery. Occupational therapists therefore often have to treat two or three patients at the same time. With the I-Act, a technology that acts like a digital personal coach, Els Knippenberg wants to change this by offering personalised remedial therapy to patients.

Citizens and government: a game without rules?

Did you know that there is no clear, general regulation in Belgium that regulates the relationship between citizen and government? we currently rely on vague, unwritten principles supplemented by specific legislation, what has led to a jumble of rules. That tangle is what Dennis Fransen wants to help unravel. Through his research he wants to contribute to a general administrative law code in Belgium and Flanders.
KU Leuven

How do you want to control your recommendations?

Imagine you are listening to music via your Spotify account and suddenly the Dora theme song starts playing because some day earlier you played music for your child or cousin. Sounds familiar? Irritating isn't it? Martijn Millecamp (KU Leuven) investigates ways to give users more control over their recommendations on platforms and services such as Spotify and Netflix.
KU Leuven

Killing bad bugs!

From sour wine, to Egyptians and Romans, to the wonderful discovery of Louis Pasteur some 150 years ago: Alexander Cambré tells you about bad bacteria and how they make us sick. In his research he tries to understand more about the Salmonella bacteria so that we can combat them better.

Wheezing and rattling. What's the problem?

Did you know that half of the children experience a period of noisy breathing in their first year of life? For a doctor it's not always easy to come to the right diagnosis. Will the research by Gitte Slingers (University of Hasselt) soon provide any relief?

Cognition enhancers: key in the recovery of MS patients?

When we think of MS patients, we often think of people in a wheelchair. This is because multiple sclerosis affects the motor functions of the patient and patients do often end up in a wheelchair. Together with her UHasselt colleagues, Melissa Schepers is determined to banish that image of MS patients in a wheelchair to the past.
Buh Kum
KU Leuven

The design of safe, cheap and potent vaccines

Many vaccines need to be stored in refrigerators, which can be challenging in warmer and low income countries. That's why Dieudonné Buh Kum and his colleagues at KU Leuven are developing new, cheaper & more stable vaccines that will help save more lives.