

Returning to work after a long-term illness 🎗 🏥 💼

In Belgium, every year more than 25,000 people return to work after cancer treatment. Yet there are many employers who do not know how to react in such a situation. Elise Pattyn (Arteveldehogeschool) and her colleagues are working on tools to make the return to work smoother.

Risky play? Allow it at school!

Climbing on the slide rather than sliding down? That should be possible at school, says Barbara Vandorpe, as long as the children who want to slide down have priority. She advocates risky play at school. "Risky play allows children to push their boundaries and learn to deal with risks themselves."
Van Raemdonck

Less stress in education, how to get there?

No less than half of beginning secondary school teachers quit within five years. Lisa Van Raemdonck (University of Ghent) wants to do something about this. In order to achieve more well-being and less stress in education, she focuses on 'SEMS'. Find out what this acronym stands for and how she wants to achieve this in this pitch.
Van Peteghem

What if we fed bacteria to our fish and pigs? 🦠 🍽 🐟 🐖

Imagine that you could use the CO2 emissions of factories to feed animals! Two birds with one stone. Well, this is possible! in this video, Lotte Van Peteghem (Ghent University) explains how she would like to use the CO2 emissions of steel factory Arcelor Mittal to eventually feed about 150,000 pigs
Van Borm

Recruitment discrimination: from measuring to explaining

Research has found that being older significantly lowers your employment chances when looking for a job. Why this is the case is studied to a lesser extent. With her research, Hannah Van Borm fills this black box and identifies different reasons for why older job applicants face age discrimination in the hiring process.
De Mol

Was Cleopatra poor at spelling? ✍ ❌

Aproved"* reads a Royal Decree that was possibly signed by Cleopatra (or at least by one of her ministers). But how did such a spelling error get into such an important document? Couldn't Cleopatra and her ministers spell? That's what classicist Geert De Mol (Ghent University) is looking into in his PhD.

GIF marketing, the new digital trend

We have all seen or sent GIFs, with or without a cat in the leading role. GIFs are also popping up more and more in advertising. Lana Mulier (Ghent University) investigates whether such GIF marketing is effective. Does it prompt us to make impulse buys online?

The power of singing together

Football supporters, the scouts, students, churchgoers, ... They all like to sing together because singing together unites. People were already aware of this in the 18th century. In her research, Renée Vulto (Ghent University) looks at how singing together was used as a political instrument at that time, in order to strengthen national identity and create a sense of belonging.

How to have success on Tinder

Do you want to know how to be successful on Tinder? Then take a look at this pitch by economist Brecht Neyt (University of Ghent). In his Ph.D., he unraveled whether your level of education plays a role in getting matches on the online dating app Tinder.📱💘
De Picker
KU Leuven

Forgotten war heroes

On Armistice Day we traditionally commemorate the tens of thousands of fallen soldiers of WWI & WW II. But what happened to the almost 200,000 disabled soldiers and civilians of the world wars? This is what Marisa De Picker (KU Leuven) is researching in her PhD.

Innovation for a more sustainable agriculture 🚜 👨🏽‍🌾

A strawberry picking robot: a fine example of innovation in agriculture. Yet innovations seem difficult to spread in the agricultural sector. That's why Evelien Cronin is researching how we can improve the innovation process: "Alone you go faster, but together you get further."
Van Gulck

Circular building: does it pay off? 🏗 👷🏻‍♀️

In order to convince the construction sector to build more circularly, hard figures are needed to show that circular constructions are more advantageous both ecologically and financially. This is what Lisa Van Gulck (University of Ghent) wants to ensure.