How can we make airplane parts smart and healthy?

About the research

About the research

✈️ Imagine a world where planes aren't just checked, but they can actually tell us how they're doing! VUB researcher Zoé Jardon wants to turn this dream into reality by developing smart metal parts. Such smart components can tell by themselves if they are in good condition or not, and inform us about a problem and where it is occurring 🛠️🔧 Watch the video to discover how this works and how these smart parts of tomorrow will ensure you have a safe flight! All aboard 🚀

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Zoé Jardon

Zoé Jardon was born in Uccle, Belgium, in 1993. She received a degree in electro-mechanical engineering in 2016 from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) according to the BRUFACE program. In 2016 she joined the Post-Graduate Research Master's program of the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics in the Department of Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics.  In 2017 she joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering (MECH) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel where she performed her Ph.D. in the Additive Manufacturing Research Group in collaboration with the von Karman Institute. She is currently active as a postdoc researcher in the same research group. Her main research interests are situated in the fields of additive manufacturing, fluid dynamics, aeroacoustics, and Structural Health Monitoring.

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