How do we activate the climate power of our gardens?

About the research

About the research

In 2021, a major water bomb fell in Wallonia, and in recent summers we have constantly struggled with heat waves and periods of drought. But did you know that our gardens can help protect us from the effects of climate change? Provided we turn our gardens into real climate gardens. Valerie Dewaelheyns (KU Leuven) sheds some light on how to do that. Her aim: to explore how we can turn Flemish 'gardeners' into tomorrow's climate gardeners!

Valerie Dewaelheyns
KU Leuven

Gardens can be so much more than just our own little private paradises. Passionately fond of research and gardens, Valerie started her search for the strategic potential of Flemish gardens already in 2007, obtaining a first PhD in Bioscience engineering (KU Leuven) in 2014. In 2022, she found a second PhD challenge at the Public Governance Institute (KU Leuven). Valerie now explores policy interventions and strategies to active our 2.5 million gardeners of today as climate gardeners of tomorrow.

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