Female intimate products under the microscope

About the research

Cosmetics and toys are strictly regulated in Europe. Unfortunately, this is not the case for tampons, sanitary pads and even sex toys. That's why Quinten Marcelis (VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Sciensano) is looking at female intimate products. In this way, he wants to check whether they may contain toxic substances and should therefore be removed from the market. 

Quinten Marcelis

As a pharmacist, Quinten Marcelis attaches great importance to the health of his patients. This line also extends to his doctorate, which is about consumer safety. More specifically, the safety of female intimate products such as tampons, menstrual cups and sex toys. For example, Quinten is investigating whether women can be exposed to potentially dangerous substances via these products. He is the indispensable link between the legislative framework, the chemical analyses and the relevant toxicological aspects.

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