Grieving at work: why is it so deadly quiet?

About the research

About the research

"We must learn to talk about death, also in the workplace". Xenia Geysemans (Artevelde University of Applied Sciences) investigates how employers can better support grieving employees. Currently, employers are often too absent. In this video, Xenia offers 4 concrete tips.

Xenia Geysemans
Arteveldehogeschool - UAntwerpen

Xenia Geysemans has always been a seeker, fascinated by the mysterious, the transcendent, the abstract and the philosophical. So 'Theology and Religious Studies' was an obvious choice! She eventually obtained a master's degree in dogmatic theology and a specialised master's degree in practical theology. Currently, Xenia teaches ethics at the Arteveldehogeschool and also works as an expert in Catholic religion at the University of Antwerp, where she mainly supervises students in terms of existential well-being. As a guest lecturer at "Netwerk Palliatieve Zorg", Xenia focuses mainly on care ethics and spiritual care. Together with fellow-researchers Saskia Saelens and Gudrun Declercq she investigated what executives need in order to support grieving employees. First impression at the start of the research? There is still a big taboo on death ...

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