
KU Leuven

White bread, but deliciously rich in fibre

Do you also love bread? Belgians eat an average of 33 kg of bread a year, about 1,000 slices. But that's mostly white bread, which doesn't contain much fibre. To make us eat more of that healthy fibre, Sara Petit-Jean (KU Leuven) is working on new, high-fibre white bread.
KU Leuven

A dog's nose in your smartphone

A dog's nose is one of the most powerful sensors we have. Trained dogs are even able to detect early signs of certain diseases by sniffing our breath. As this would not be very practical, Alex Cruz is looking to integrate a doglike 'nose' in our smartphones to do the trick.
Vara Perez
KU Leuven

Understanding the self-cannibalism instincts of melanoma

Melanoma is a very common and lethal type of skin cancer. Melanoma cells have a strange, yet effective defence mechanism called autophagy: they can manage to survive by eating parts of themselves. Monica Vara Perez tries to figure out this self-cannibalism mechanism in order to help defeat melanoma.
KU Leuven

Studying protein structure thanks to metal oxides

Did you know that our body contains more than 20.000 different types of proteins? These are crucial for vital functions such as wound healing. But when these proteins mutate, they can lead to diseases such as Alzheimer's. To help fight such protein-based diseases, Shorok Abdelhameed investigates methods to study the very complex structures of proteins.
KU Leuven

Enzybiotics in drops: a killer combination!

Almost 100 years ago Alexander Fleming discovered the first antibiotic: penicillin. Even then, he warned that there would come a day when bacteria would be resistant to all antibiotics. That day is now very near. Will the 'killer combination' of enzybiotics and water droplets save us from super-bacteria?
KU Leuven

Who is hitching a ride on a housefly?

Rahel Park has a dilemma for you: what to do if a bunch of flies land on the cake you were just about to eat? Should you eat it anyway or should you throw it away? Watch the video for the -scientifically substantiated- answer!
KU Leuven

Personalized medicine using computer chip technology

"Why is it that there are so many different sizes of clothes?  Simple, because one size cannot fit all. But how come our medical treatments  are not customized and tailored to each patients biological needs?" That's what Mihir Gupta is working on at imec and KU Leuven.
Solis Fernandez
KU Leuven

Finding the tools cancer uses to spread through the body

Many types of cancer are still being diagnosed too late. The disease has then often already spread, making it difficult to treat the patients. Can we improve early diagnostics in cancer? The answer is hidden in the proteins of the cell, as Guillermo Solis Fernandez explains. 
KU Leuven

Bytes and bacteria: software to explore the intestinal flora

What happens when you as thousands of Flemish people to send samples of their stools for scientific research? Well, you get this huge pile of... right, data. Sebastian Proost makes this data readily available to doctors and scientists so that they can acquire new insights from this data in an efficient manner.
Vanden Bempt
KU Leuven

Immunotherapy: why screening patients is key

Immunotherapy is increasingly being used in the fight against cancer. But this therapy does not work for all patients. You would think that if it doesn't work, it doesn't it hurt. Unfortunately, it does! Marlies Vanden Bempt (VIB - KU Leuven) explains why.
KU Leuven

Understanding ageing to grow old ... and healthy

Modern medicine and living standards have allowed us to reach an older age. But one important question still remains: are these extra years also healthy years? Lucas Mergan hopes to find clues to an older & healthier life by studying a ... worm.
Van Der Gucht
KU Leuven

Retrain your pain

Pain is our body's alarm system. It warns us if there is something wrong with our body. Pain can therefore be very useful, but sometimes also very misleading...