
KU Leuven

How well can you trust your memory?

Our memory does not work like a video camera. We can remember details or entire events that we never actually experienced. This phenomenon is called 'false memories' and it can be problematic in court, where the decision of whether someone is guilty or not can rely entirely on memory evidence. Charlotte Bücken researches if memory for negative events can be compromised by false denials.
KU Leuven

Better storage leads to better apples

Meet Karimi Solomon, a researcher at KU Leuven - FWO. Karimi studies the aroma of apples. Does that mean he sniffs apples all day long? Not exactly. Watch the video to hear Karimi explain why & how he studies the aroma of apples.

How to get rid of obstructive sleep apnea?

Snoring can be very annoying for your bed partner, but it can also seriously disrupt your own sleep as a snorer. Because did you know that snoring is sometimes accompanied by periods in which you literally stop breathing - sometimes even for minutes at a time? That is the case with obstructive sleep apnea. Marijke Dieltjens wants to restore peace and quiet in the bedroom by helping people who suffer from this with a small, personalized mouth brace. She explains how this works in this video.
KU Leuven

Mapping saltwater with a metal detector

Did you know that the sea can penetrate our lands and water resources unnoticed? Today, we find that saltwater in our polders, up to several kilometers inland. This salt water can make agricultural land and water supplies unusable. To find out exactly how far inland and how deep the saltwater problem reaches, Wouter Deleersnyder and his colleagues use a helicopter, a giant metal detector, and their knowledge of physics & geology. How all of this works, is explained by Wouter in this video.
De Veirman

Camel blood attacks dormant cancer cells

Why do cancer patients relapse despite receiving treatment? This is often due to dormant cancer cells. These cells lie dormant in the body and manage to escape treatment, for example, chemotherapy. Can substances from camel and llama blood provide a breakthrough?

Why do snakes have horns?

When you think of animals with horns, you probably think of cows, goats, and rhinos. But did you know that many species of snakes have horns too? While this has been under the eye of researchers for a long time, it's still unclear why some snakes have horns. What do you think they're for? Federico Banfi sheds some light on current hypotheses. He hopes to find answers in his Ph.D. research.  
Instituut Natuurwetenschappen

Making European underground data accessible for everyone

"I'm going deeper underground" 🎵 The lyrics of Jamiroquai's famous hit may well apply to Renata Barros. As a geologist, she knows how precious the underground is in providing essential minerals for modern-day technology, drinking water, etc. Through the Geoconnect3d project, Renata & her colleagues bring all the information from underground studies all over Europe together in an accessible knowledge system.

How to make AI rule(s)?

"What if I told you that the way you spend your money, reveals aspects of your mental health, such as anxiety or depression. We can make this connection thanks to Artificial Intelligence." Yanou Ramon (UAntwerp - FWO) explains how to make AI rule(s) in this video, as to offer treatment to people who need it most. 

Let's bring our mathematics and science education back to the top of the world!

In the not-so-distant past, Flemish mathematics education was at the top of the world. Unfortunately, in recent years we have seen a negative trend. Bea Merckx and her colleagues want to help turn the tide. Thanks to their research, as a teacher you are only a few mouse clicks away from a more varied and deeper mathematics and science education!


The teacher: a superhero for every child?'

How does a teacher deal with diversity in the classroom? Many teachers feel inadequately trained in this area. Engaging in dialogue with pupils, parents, and colleagues helps to think of the most powerful solutions to these challenges together. But how do you start? Marijke Wilssens and her colleagues have developed a box of conversation starters to help teachers do just that.

Childcare and work, an (im)possible combination?

People without a job face more difficulties to find childcare. But those without childcare also have more trouble finding a job. Many parents, often less educated people or people living in poverty find themselves in this vicious circle. An Raes investigates how we can break it.

Good cooperation to better support young people

For many, being young is the most beautiful time in life. But did you know that 1 in 5 children is born into poverty? They are given fewer opportunities in life. In order to better support such youngsters in Ghent, Wendy Eerdekens (Arteveldehogeschool) wants to improve the cooperation between the many initiatives in aid and youth work.