Flammable hydrogen: where best to place our detectors?

About the research

About the research

We are producing more and more renewable energy. To transport and store it, we can use hydrogen. One problem though: hydrogen is highly flammable and therefore highly combustible. So how do we store hydrogen safely? That is what Joren Vanlaere (VUB - ULB) is investigating. He wants to use software to find out where best to place hydrogen detectors in order to detect any leaks quickly before there is a risk of fire and explosion.

Joren Vanlaere

Joren Vanlaere obtained his master's degree in Engineering Technology from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) in 2021. He is currently working as a Ph.D. researcher at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).

His research interests are in Hydrogen Safety Engineering. Currently, he is working on the optimization of hydrogen sensor placement in enclosed areas. His topic is part of the consortium called BE-HyFE, bringing together all Belgian knowledge institutes to join forces in fundamental research on the topic of hydrogen.

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