
Instituut Natuurwetenschappen

Welcome to our species identification service

Did you know there are countless species of mosquitoes, some of which can transmit dangerous diseases? Identifying these tiny creatures—or any other species— is no easy task, even for seasoned biologists. Luckily Ann Vanderheyden and her colleagues at the 'Species Identification Service' can help. ​​​​​​​So.. if there's something weird, and it don't look good... Who you gonna call? 🕵️‍♂️🔍
Instituut Natuurwetenschappen

Wind farm noise impacts North Sea marine mammals

Did you know Belgium uses more of its seaspace for wind farms than any other country? This noise disrupts marine life, like North Sea harbour porpoises. Bob Rumes uses underwater microphones to study underwater noise and how it affects porpoises.
Correa Rojo

How do my genes describe me and my health?

Why do some people get a cold every month, while others seem immune, even in the wintertime? 🤧 "The answer lies in our genes," says Alejandro Correa Rojo. "Each of us carries a unique genetic code, that can tell how you will respond to a disease." After studying the DNA of thousands of people, Alejandro developed a Genetic Risk Score. This single number tells how you are at risk for a specific disease compared to others. Find out more in the video.

Unlocking the full power of biomolecules

Do you know what happens with your blood sample after a visit to the doctor for a check-up? Your blood sample undergoes testing for common biomolecules like cholesterol, glucose, or vitamin D. Modern technology allows for testing beyond these basics, generating vast amounts of data. Dries Heylen is developing visualizations and analytical techniques to help researchers make sense of this complex data, providing deeper insights into how specific biomolecules relate to diseases and which ones are crucial to monitor. Bloody genius, right?

The green gold of the future

Why do scientists sometimes call microalgae "the green gold"? Well, in addition to biofuels and astronaut food, you could use them to make sunscreen. These tiny algae contain substances that protect them from sunlight, which can also come in handy for humans. Unfortunately, they don't naturally produce enough of those substances. Elke Vereecke researches how to grow microalgae packed with those sunlight-protecting components.
Van de Casteele

Training tailored to your muscles

Do you have a lot of fast or rather slow muscle fibers? No worries if you don't know the answer. But for athletes, this is crucial info as it determines how best to train. Only there is one big problem, about 15 centimeters big to be precise .... That's how long the needle, used to remove a piece of muscle to find out someone's muscle fiber type, is. Sounds painful and it is. That's why Freek Van de Casteele is looking for new, reliable, and painless methods.

More omega-3 fatty acids on our plates thanks to copepods?

Do you often eat fish? 🐟 Through fish, you get a lot of healthy #omega3 fatty acids. Yet we don't owe those omega-3 to the fish themselves. Marine biologist Jens Boyen tells you about the little heroes who provide the healthy omega-3.

Lessons from our coal past

Since we chose coal en masse at the end of the 18th century, we have never moved away from fossil energy. Why did we ever take that step? To find out, Wout Saelens (UAntwerpen - VUB) dives into the past. Via inventories, he studies the contents - think hearths, stoves, and cookers - of 18th-century houses.

Fast and furious hearts: on a quest for a cure

One in 100 people suffer from a chronic heart condition. For example, their heart beats too fast even at rest, leaving these patients completely exhausted. Fortunately, surgery can help, but the procedure is risky and can lead to damage to the heart. To eliminate this risk, Rani Kronenberger (VUB) and her colleagues turn to 3D printing ...
KU Leuven

Ovarian cancer: treating ourselves with our cells!

Every 3 minutes, a woman dies of ovarian cancer somewhere in the world. "Ovarian cancer is very sneaky. Most of the patients respond positively to the therapies initially provided to them, but eventually, the cancer comes back and is much more aggressive. As a result one in two ovarian cancer patients die within 5 years after diagnosis." But what if we were able to treat ovarian cancer with a new therapy using our cells?
Van Maldeghem

Space dust on your roof

Once in a while, a meteorite hits Earth, which then becomes world news. But did you know that there is a constant rain of micrometeorites falling on Earth? These are meteorites smaller than 2 mm, some of which, if you look closely, you can find on your flat roof. What makes micrometeorites so interesting that VUB researcher Flore Van Maldeghem even travels to remote Antarctica to find them? She tells us in this video.

How smart algorithms learn unacceptable patterns

Your next job or loan application might well be assessed by AI. But what if this AI is biased, and wrongly reasons that women are not fit for the job or singles should not get a loan? Carmen Mazijn (VUB) created a technique to detect discriminatory AI models.