
Van Heyst

Are there harmful substances in my cookie?

Did you know that some chemical components in food packaging can penetrate into the packaged food? Annelies Van Heyst examined 200 food products and reassures us: you can still feast on your favorite cookies

A quick method to detect liver fibrosis through the blood

Joeri Lambrecht (VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel) developed a simple blood test that allows for a faster, safer and cheaper detection of liver fibrosis.

Ordering beads to revolutionize chemistry

A metal tube and microscopic beads. That's basically what you need to 'dissect' the molecules in any given sample, such as blood, yoghurt or medicines. Nathaniel Berneman (VUB - Vrije Universiteit Brussel) explains how this technique works and how he wants to improve this.
Zomignani Barboza

Undesirable migrants: should they stay or should they go?

If a criminal comes to your country and wants to stay: do you think your government should allow him to? ​​​​​​​Júlia Zomignani Barboza sheds some -legal- light on this matter.

Good versus evil. You are NOT free to choose! 😇 👿

If you are good, you get rewarded. If you are bad, you get punished. That's how, simply put, our justice system works. Simple right? Not really...
KU Leuven

Can international criminal law protect fundamental procedural human rights?

Diletta Marchesi investigates the role that international criminal law can play in guaranteeing human rights, such as the right to freedom and a fair trial.
KU Leuven

Your laws? My laws? Our laws!

Computer scientist Ingmar Dasseville (KU Leuven) tries to ensure that our tax money is spent more efficiently. How? By developing computer languages that our government can use, for example, to develop more efficient and thus cheaper tax software.
KU Leuven

How to feel at home in a strange place

Imagine you are forced to flee your home and have to resettle in a strange place. Awful thought, isn't it? Well, every day 44,000 people are forced to leave their homes... Tian Shi looks at how Hmong people, an Indochinese refugee group, settled in Europe in the 1970's after the Vietnam war.
Salazar Marcano
KU Leuven

Breaking down barriers between chemistry and biology

"In science, we tend to look at the world like it's a messy room that needs organizing. We divide things into boxes, such as the biology box or the chemistry box." David Salazar Marcano wants to break down these barriers in order to develop new biomaterials
KU Leuven

Bubbles in rock: clues from ancient fluids

Each rock really has a story to tell about events that occurred on our planet”, according to Brazilian geologist Fernando Araujo. Listen to his story about fascinating and colorful pegmatite rocks
KU Leuven

The pot of gold at the end of the decision

Marjolein Deryck (KU Leuven) build bridges between academia and industry. How? By translating the knowledge of experts into customized computer systems, so that companies, but also governments, can make decisions more efficiently.
KU Leuven

Indigenous languages: what do they tell us?

Did you know that there are about 7,000 languages in the world? And that more than 2,600 of these languages are in danger of extinction? With every language that disappears, we lose a unique part of the rich diversity that exists in human languages. That's why Dana Louagie studies Aboriginal languages.