

X-ray scanners: the port's detectives

Every day, drugs, weapons and other smuggled goods arrive at the port, hidden in containers. Unfortunately, customs currently cannot even check 10% of all containers. Caroline Bossuyt and her colleagues want to change that. How? With x-ray scanners, the port's future detectives.

Alzheimer's puts you off balance

Alzheimer's not only affects memory, but also balance and orientation. "People with Alzheimer's move more slowly and unsafely, putting them at greater risk of falls and broken bones than their healthy peers," Joyce Bosmans explains. She advocates helping people with Alzheimer's to get balance training.
Vander Donck

How vagina-friendly is your underwear?

Did you know that as many as 3 in 4 women suffer from a vaginal yeast infection at some point in their lives? But does the type of underwear they wear play a role in this? That's what Leonore Vander Donck (UAntwerpen) is looking into.

The sewer as a mirror of society

Tim Boogaerts (UAntwerp) dives into sewers for his research. "Why would you do that?", we hear you thinking. Well, because sewage offers a wealth of information on the use of drugs, alcohol, and medicines in our society. Tim explains how that works.
De Kerf

Discover a hidden world with the hyperspectral camera

Bees, snakes, or birds: they see things that we humans do not. Until now, because with hyperspectral cameras, we will soon surpass the entire animal kingdom, as Thomas De Kerf (UAntwerp) explains.
De Deyn

Alzheimer's disease: from smoothie to fruit salad

Have you ever enjoyed a delicious smoothie? The way this tasty drink is made has similarities to how Alzheimer's disease research has been approached in the past decades. In this video, Lara De Deyn explains why she chooses a fruit salad approach in her research. A very nice metaphor to tell how Alzheimer's disease research is evolving.

How to scale up perovskite solar cells?

Sujith Reddy is working on perovskites, a promising new solar cell technology that captures more sunlight and costs less than conventional solar cells. Sounds great, right! But there's a catch: these perovskite solar cells ironically tend to break down when exposed to ... light. Sujith wants to uncover the mechanisms behind this degradation in order to improve perovskites and to use them on a larger scale.

KU Leuven

Dementia: detecting agitation using sensors

What if we could predict whether a person with dementia is about to become agitated? That would help caregivers intervene in time and direct their attention to this person, so as to prevent agitation onset. That's what Hannah Davidoff (KU Leuven - Imec) hopes to achieve. Using wearables and other sensors, she builds algorithms to detect agitation.
KU Leuven

Let's cover our cars with solar panels

Do you own an electric car? Then you know how difficult it can be to find available charging spots. But what if we cover electric cars with solar panels so that they can charge themselves with the power of the sun? Well, that's not easy because conventional solar panels used on roofs can't be integrated into our cars. Electrical engineer Bin Luo is looking at new solar panels suitable for our cars.
Jose Maria
KU Leuven

More solar power for a more sustainable future

Producing renewable, low-cost energy in a robust way remains a challenge. Jose Maria Cuevas (Imec - KU Leuven - Energyville) is looking at a new sort of solar cell that might help do the trick: the *take a breath* 3 Terminal Tandem Bifacial Solar Cell 😅 Say what ⁉️ Jose breaks it down and makes it crystal clear for you in this video. 👏

How radars will help deliver your pizza!

The year is 2040. A drone just landed on your doorstep, delivering your favorite pizza, which you just ordered a few minutes ago. 🍕 😋 What a time to be alive right?! To make this scenario a reality, Adnan Albaba (Imec - VUB) is working on radar technology to make self-navigating drones.

Minimizing the impact of uncertainty in the electricity market

Did you know that the electricity generated today was traded yesterday by producers and retailers in the 'day-ahead' electricity market? ⚡️ 🤝 But what happens if we expect a windy day tomorrow 💨 but end up having much less wind, and thus less wind power, than anticipated? Lina Silva-Rodriguez explains how she uses math to help deal with this uncertainty.